An order duly filled in for change of data (it can be downloaded on our website www.crhovrs.org under Regulations and Forms) is submitted by a holder or another authorized person acting on holder's behalf and for his/her account. The order is submitted to the Central Registry counter or by mail.
The following enclosures are submitted with the order:
for change of address of residence/temporary residence,
- a previous document based on which wrong information was registered and a new document based on which correction is made - for the correction of address that
contained an error,
- power of attorney (if the order is submitted by an attorney-in-fact),
- an appropriate document proving that the applicant is an authorized person (if the order is submitted by a legal representative, spouse/common law marriage partner, a
relative by blood or an in-law acting as an attorney),
- proof of payment of the fee in the amount of 5.00 KM to one of the Central Registry accounts.
An appropriate identification document and other enclosures with the order are submitted in original or as a copy certified by a competent body or as non-certified copy while presenting the original for inspection, and translated by a certified court interpreter if not made in one of the languages in official use in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
If the order is sent by mail or is submitted by a third party, a certified copy of an identification document of the person who signed the order should be enclosed.