Company name Central Registry of Securities, Joint Stock Company, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska
Abbreviated company name Central Registry of Securities, JSC, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska
Address Sime Šolaje 1, Banja Luka
Phone/Fax 051/348-710; 051/348-718
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Court Register District Commercial Court Banja Luka, register entry file no. 1-11975, no. of decision: 057-0-Reg-19-001314
Incorporated 26 February 2001
Share Capital 4.100.000 BAM, divided into 41.000 ordinary shares
Company ID Number 01942026
Tax ID 4400936990005
Activity Code 66.11
Account numbers 562100-80005420-15 NLB Razvojna banka JSC Banja Luka555007-02071847-88 Nova banka JSC Banja Luka
Auditors for 2018/2019/2020/2021 ‘’BL REVIZOR’’ doo Banja Luka
Director Bratoljub Radulović, B.Sc.Ecc.
Constitutive document The Central Registry of Securities, JSC Banja Luka was incorporated on the basis of the Law on Central Registry of Securities (RS Official Gazette, no. 24/98).
RS SEC Licenses Based on the License issued by the RS Securities Commission no. 04-041-248/04 dated 13 February 2004, the Central Registry was granted the license for performing the operations of a depository of privatization investment funds.Based on the License issued by the RS Securities Commission no. 01-UP-041-2005/06 dated 01 June 2006, an extension was granted for the license for performing the operations of a depository for privatization investment funds.Based on the License issued by the RS Securities Commission no. 01-UP-041-1590/07 dated 04 May 2007, a license was granted to the Central Registry for performing the operations of a depository for investment funds.Based on the License issued by the RS Securities Commission no. 01-UP-041-1403/09 dated 08 April 2009, an extension was granted for the license for performing the operations of a depository for investment funds.Based on the License issued by the RS Securities Commission no. 01-UP-041-950/12 dated 20 April 2012, an extension was granted for the license for performing the operations of a depository for investment funds.Based on the License issued by the RS Securities Commission no. 01-UP-55-226-1/15 dated 24 April 2015, an extension was granted for the license for performing the operations of a depository for investment funds.

The Central Registry of Securities, JSC, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska operates in accordance with positive legal regulations and provisions of the Law on Securities Market (The Republic of Srpska Official Gazette no 92/06,  34/09, 30/12 and 59/13) with a view to provide fast and efficient service to the issuers, securities holders and authorized participants in capital markets, while observing the safety principles.
The Central Registry is a legal entity with public authority for the operations referred to in Article 189 paragraph 1 of the Law on Securities Market, which maintains the database in which the data on securities, securities' holders, rights and limitations of rights on securities are registered, maintained and kept, all in accordance with the law, regulations of the Securities Commission and the Registry's general enactments.

The operations of the Central Registry are as follows:
  • Registration and keeping data on securities and their holders and on all transactions related to transfer of ownership or changing the securities status,
  • Registration and keeping data on acquiring ownership and other rights contained in securities,
  • Registration and deletion of third party rights on securities, as well as registration and deletion of ban of disposal right based on contracts, court decisions and other decisions issued by relevant bodies,
  • Opening and keeping the issuers' accounts, keeping the book of shareholders, opening and keeping securities holders' accounts, issuing of reports, statements and certificates on the balance and changes on those accounts,
  • Creation and keeping accounts for brokerage companies and other Registry members,
  • Clearing, settlement and transfer of securities based on operations with securities made on the stock exchange and other regulated public markets,
  • Transfer of securities based on contract, court decisions and other decisions issued by other relevant bodies,
  • Designing, development, maintenance and operating the computer software related to securities trading,
  • Organizing and conducting the education of the participants in the securities market connected with the operations performed by it.

The Central Registry may perform operations of a depository for investment funds as well as other operations approved by the Commission.
Struktura nova

Chairman:  Zoran Babić University of Business Studies
Deputy Chairman:      Milan Božić Banja Luka Stock Exchange JSC Banja Luka 
Member:  Milorad Đurđević   Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Hercegovinia
Member:  Jovan Tegeltija Banja Luka Stock Exchange JSC Banja Luka
Member:   Dragan Džinić    Nova banka JSC Banja Luka

Chairman: Dragana Tučić The Republic of Srpska Investment-Development Bank
Deputy Chairman:     Boris Kačavenda     Nova banka JSC Banja Luka
Member: Dejan Guzijan NLB banka JSC Banja Luka