Notification of transfer of shares from minority shareholders of RUDNIK KREČNJAKA CARMEUSE AD DOBOJ to the acquiring party
31.07.2020. |
Notification of transfer of shares from minority shareholders of MIKROELEKTRONIKA AD BANJA LUKA to the acquiring party
07.05.2020. |
Notification of transfer of shares from minority shareholders of HOTEL BOSNA AD BANJA LUKA to the acquiring party
06.05.2020. |
Notification of transfer of shares from minority shareholders of TERNINALI AD DOBOJ to the acquiring party
16.12.2019. |
Notification of transfer of shares from minority shareholders of issuer PLANINA A.D. HAN PIJESAK to the acquiring party
10.10.2019. |
Obavještenje manjinskim akcionarima emitenta Fabrika obuće FOMG a.d. Mrkonjić Grad čije su akcije prenesene na otkupioca Bema d.o.o. Banja Luka
04.09.2019. |
Notification of transfer of shares from minority shareholders of M BROKER AD BANJA LUKA to the acquiring party
22.08.2019. |
Notification of transfer of shares from minority shareholders of KAMENOLOMI AD ZVORNIK to the acquiring party
17.06.2019. |
Notification of transfer of shares from minority shareholders of Fabrika obuće FOMG a.d. Mrkonjić Grad to the acquiring party
11.06.2019. |
Notification of transfer of shares from minority shareholders of issuer ATOS OSIGURANJE AD BIJELJINA to the acquiring party
14.03.2019. |