Decision on Amendments to the Decision on the Level of the Fee Charged for the Services of the Central Registry of Securities JSC Banja Luka- revised text
23.07.2012. |
The Decision on Amandments to the Regulation on Registration and Transfer of Securities
18.05.2012. |
INTESA SAN PAOLO BANKA DD Bosna i Hercegovina, excluded from membership
23.03.2012. |
Decision on the Level of the Fee Charged for the Services of the Central Registry of Securities JSC Banja Luka- revised text
22.07.2011. |
The Decision on Amandments to the Decision on the Level of Fees Charged for the Services of the CR
30.05.2011. |
New Regulation on Registration and Transfer of Securities
08.04.2011. |
HYPO ALPE ADRIA BANK АD Banja Luka –Pododjel za kastodi poslove, termination of membership
24.12.2010. |
HYPO ALPE-ADRIA-BANK DD MOSTAR – custody bank, admitted to membership
01.12.2010. |
Decision on the Amendments to the Decision on the Level of Fees Charged for the Services of the CR
23.11.2010. |
The Rules of Operation of the Depository of Investment Funds
29.09.2010. |