Transition of Capital Market of the Republic of Srpska on a new settlement cycle T+2
13.01.2015. |
In applying the new settlement cycle T+2
08.01.2015. |
Rulebook on clearing, settlement and transfer of securities
12.12.2014. |
Bobar banka ad Bijeljina- Securities Trading Department - Bobar broker, excluded from membership
05.12.2014. |
Banka Srpske, JSC, Banja Luka – custody bank termination of membership
15.10.2014. |
Sparkasse bank dd Sarajevo – custody bank, admitted to membership
30.07.2014. |
Hypo Alpe Adria-Bank JSC Mostar, custody bank, excluded from membership
13.06.2014. |
Migration to the new settlement cycle (T+2) since 1 January 2015
02.06.2014. |
HYPO ALPE ADRIA-BANK DD MOSTAR, custody bank, excluded from membership
19.12.2013. |
Rulebook on clearing, settlement and transfer of securities
15.02.2013. |