Transfer order duly filled in (it can be downloaded on our website www.crhovrs.org under Regulations and Forms) is submitted by an heir or another authorized person. The request is submitted at the Central Registry counter or sent by mail.
The following enclosures shall be submitted with the order:
- valid decision on inheritance submitted by the court, i.e. another competent body,
- for an heir: ID card - for a person of legal age who is a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina; excerpt from the registry of births - for a minor person who is a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina; passport - for a person who is not a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- power of attorney (if the order is submitted by an attorney-in-fact),
- an appropriate document proving that the applicant is an authorized person (if the order is submitted by a legal representative, spouse/common law marriage partner, relative by blood, or an in-law acting as an attorney),
- proof of payment of the fee in the amount of 10.00 to one of the Central Registry accounts (the cost refers to each individual security that be inherited).