Notification of performed clearing of due obligations for the 11th annuity of bonds with local designation KDRF-O-A of the issuer KOZARSKA DUBICA MUNICIPALITY
22.08.2018. |
Notification of performed clearing of due obligations for the 4rd annuity of bonds with local designation RSDS-O-G of the issuer REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA
22.08.2018. |
Notification of performed clearing of due obligations for the 2nd annuity of bonds with local designation RGBZ-O-A of the issuer ROGATICA MUNICIPALITY
15.08.2018. |
Notification of performed clearing of due obligations for the 15th annuity of bonds with local designation OLKI-O-B of the issuer LOPARE MUNICIPALITY
08.08.2018. |
Notification of performed clearing of due obligations for the 1st coupon of bonds with local designation RSBD-O-04 of the issuer REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA
08.08.2018. |
Notification of performed clearing of due obligations for the 2nd coupon of bonds with local designation RSBD-O-S of the issuer REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA
03.08.2018. |
NOVA BANKA ad Banja Luka - XXVIII issue, increase of base capital
31.07.2018. |
PRIJEDORČANKA AD PRIJEDOR - V issue - reduction of basic capital
30.07.2018. |
Notification of performed clearing of due obligations for the 10th annuity of bonds with local designation RSDS-O-E of the issuer REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA
30.07.2018. |
ZAIF u preoblikovanju BLB Profit ad Banja Luka – removal of the company
30.07.2018. |