The Central Registry on date 01.08.2022. conducted registration of securities of following characteristics:
Issuer Triglav osiguranje ad
Issuer’s headquarters Prvog krajiškog korpusa 29, Banja Luka  
Issuer’s reg. no. 01388380
Security type share
Security class ordinary share, class A
Security’s Symbol KKOS-R-A
Number of securities 889
Nominal value of security 2.000,00 BAM
Total nominal value of issue 1.778.000,00 BAM
Issue and issue type IX  issue - increase of base capital
After registration of this issue, total value of issur’s base capital is 9.334.000,00 BAM.The issue is recorded at RS Securities Commision’s Registy of Issuers, decision no. : 01-UP-31-366-5/22 dated 27.07.2022.