Dear users,
We are inviting you to submit the data on your email address in the next month, so that the Central Registry can email the statements of the accounts for holders who during the month had changes on their holders' accounts.
We have chosen this way of communication with you following the trends in e-operations, considering that such a way would be more efficient, faster and safer.
The Central Registry of Securities JSC Banja Luka is preparing amendments to the Rulebook on Registration and Transfer of Securities (The Republic of Srpska Official Gazette, no. 77/07), that will in one part refer to the manner of notifying the securities holders who had a change on their holder's account during the month, that is to say, we are considering a possibility to notify securities holders of the changes on the accounts once a month by email rather than in printed format.
To that end could you please fill out form which is available at our web site in "Regulations and Forms" section and send it to our address: Centralni registar hartija od vrijednosti AD Banja Luka, Ul. Bana Milosavljevića br. 6, 78000 Banja Luka, so that we can start realization of this service as soon as possible and start sending you notifications on changes on holder's accounts by email. The following needs to be enclosed to the request: for domestic natural person: certified copy of ID card, for foreign natural person: certified copy of passport, for domestic legal entity: certified copy of excerpt from the Court Register, for foreign legal entities, a copy of excerpt from court or another competent register certified by a competent body of that country.
We would also like to remind you that back in 2007 the Central Registry made possible another access to holder's account via the service: "My Portfolio", enabling its users to access their account electronically and view the balance of all securities that they have as of the last day of settlement, as well as to assess the current value of portfolio. More detailed information about this service offered by the Central Registry is available at our web site in "My Portfolio" section.
Thank you very much for your co-operation.
Central Registry of Securities JSC Banja Luka