The Central Registry keeps a register of units of open-end investment funds in accordance with the agreement on the basis of which investment fund management companies transfer the tasks of keeping the register of units to the Central Registry, with the approval of the The Republic of Srpska Securities Commission.

The purchase and sale of units of open-end investment funds is performed by submitting an appropriate request to the investment fund management company.

Investment funds
management company
Investement fund
 Security Code of Closed-Ended fund 
Investement fund
 Security Code of Open-Ended fund
Date of transformation
Ratio share/unit
Date of redemption
the open-ended fund
units with
management company from
ad Banja Luka 
ZAIF u preoblikovanju Euroinvestment fond ad Banja Luka EINP-R-A DUIF Euroinvestment ad - OAIF Euroinvestment fond EIOP-U-A 2.11.2018 1 2.11.2020
051 355 980
SOLUTIONS doo Banja Luka
ZAIF u preoblikovanju BLB - profit ad Banja Luka BLBP-R-A DUIF Management Solutions ad - OAIF Profit Plus PPLP-U-A 28.7.2018 1 28.7.2020 Web Link

051 491 555
ZMIF u preoblikovanju Balkan Investment fond ad Banja Luka BLKP-R-A DUIF Management Solutions ad - OMIF Balkan Investment Fond BAIP-U-A 9.11.2018 1 9.11.2020
ZAIF u preoblikovanju VIB fond ad Banja Luka BRSP-R-A DUIF Management Solutions ad - OAIF Bors Invest Fond BOSP-U-A 8.11.2018 1 7.11.2020
ZMIF u preoblikovanju Aktiva invest fond ad Banja Luka EKVP-R-A DUIF Management Solutions ad - OAIF Aktiva Invest Fond AIVP-U-A 16.11.2018 1 16.11.2020
ZMIF u preoblikovanju VB fond ad Banja Luka VBIP-R-A DUIF Management Solutions ad - OMIF VB Fond VEBP-U-A 28.7.2018 1 28.7.2020
ZAIF u preoblikovanju VIB fond aD Banja Luka VIBP-R-A DUIF Management Solutions ad - OAIF VIB Fond VBOP-U-A 10.11.2018 1 10.11.2020
ad Bijeljina
ZMIF u preoblikovanju Invest Nova fond ad Bijeljina - u likvidaciji INVP-R-A DUIF Invest nova ad - OMIF Invest Nova INOP-U-A 11.11.2017 0,719906365 11.11.2019  Web link

055 208 131
ad Banja Luka
ZMIF u preoblikovanju Zepter Fond ad Banja Luka ZPTP-R-A DUIF Kristal Invest ad - OMIF Future Fund FTRP-U-A 24.9.2017 1 24.9.2019  Web link

051 320 230
DUIF Kristal Invest ad - OMIF Maximus Fund MMSP-U-A 24.9.2017 1 24.9.2019
ZPTP-R-B DUIF Kristal Invest ad - ONIF Kristal Cash Plus Fund KCPP-U-A 24.11.2019 1 24.11.2020
ZMIF u preoblikovanju Kristal Invest Fond ad Banja Luka KRIP-R-A DUIF Kristal Invest ad - OAIF Opportunity Fund OPTP-U-A 17.9.2017 1 17.9.2019
KRIP-R-B DUIF Kristal Invest ad - ONIF Cash Fund CSHP-U-A 24.11.2018 40,17514138 24.11.2020
ad Banja Luka
AZIF u preoblikovanju Polara Invest Fond ad Banja Luka PLRP-R-A DUIF Polara Invest ad - OAIF Adriatic Balanced ADBP-U-A 26.5.2018 1 26.5.2020  Web link

051 226 770
DUIF Polara Invest ad - OAIF Polara Adriatic Fond PADP-U-A 14.11.2018 1 14.11.2020
ZAIF u preoblikovanju Privrednik Invest a.d. Banja Luka PRVP-R-A DUIF Polara Invest ad - OMIF Privrednik Invest PRIP-U-A 15.11.2018 1 15.11.2020
AZIF u preoblikovanju Jahorina Koin a.d. Pale JHKP-R-A DUIF Polara Invest ad - OAIF Jahorina Koin JKIP-U-A 19.11.2018 1


In the period after the transformation, the following funds were merged or deleted:

1. DUIF Kristal Invest ad - ONIF Kristal Cash Plus Fund, DUIF Kristal Invest ad - OAIF Opportunity Fund and DUIF Kristal Invest ad - ONIF Cash Fund, and their merger with DUIF Kristal Invest ad - OMIF Maximus Fund.

For 1 share of deleted funds, MMSP-U-A shares were obtained according to the following ratio:

Replacement ratio

 DUIF Kristal Invest ad - ONIF Kristal Cash Plus Fund 




 DUIF Kristal Invest ad - OMIF Maximus Fund 

DUIF Kristal Invest ad - OAIF Opportunity Fund



DUIF Kristal Invest ad - ONIF Cash Fund



2. DUIF Polara Invest ad - OAIF Polara Adriatic Fond i DUIF Polara Invest ad - OMIF Privrednik Invest, and their merger with DUIF Polara Invest ad - OAIF Jahorina Koin.

For 1 share of deleted funds, JKIP-U-A shares were obtained according to the following ratio:

Replacement ratio

DUIF Polara Invest ad - OAIF Polara Adriatic Fond




DUIF Polara Invest ad - OAIF Jahorina Koin

DUIF Polara Invest ad - OMIF Privrednik Invest



In accordance with the Law on Investment Funds, during the first two years since the transformation of closed-end investment funds, the shares of open-end investment funds were traded on the Banja Luka Stock Exchange. During those two years, fund management companies sold and repurchased units at least once a year.

After the expiration of two years from the transformation, the sale and redemption of units of open-end investment funds is performed exclusively with the management company.

The redemption of units of an open-end investment fund is performed in accordance with the prospectus of fund and the applicable regulations, and the Central Registry records the redeemed units and cancels them.