The Central Registry carries out the activities of the Depository of Investment Funds in accordance with the Law on Investment Funds and on the basis of the license for performing the activities of the Depository of Investment Funds of the Securities Commission Republic of Srpska.

These activities have been performed in the Central Registry since 2003 and the first privatization investment funds.
The Central Registry performs the affairs of the custodian for closed-end investment funds, as well as for open-end investment funds arising from the transformation process of closed-end investment funds.
The Central Registry also performs affairs of depositaries for funds established by special laws. The Decree on the methodology for determining the value of the assets of the Republic of Srpska Stock Exchange Fund and the Restitution Fund Republic of Srpska foresees that the operations of depositors, which imply the determination of the value of assets and liabilities and the calculation of the net asset value of these funds, are performed by the Central Registry.
The activities of the Depositary of the Pension Fund Republic of Srpska are performed in the Central Registry since 2011. Since the Pension Fund Republic of Srpska is a closed-end investment fund, which is established and operates according to a special law, the activities of depositors of this fund in the Central Registry are performed mostly in the way these activities are performed for other closed-end investment funds.